Why do stains reappear after carpet cleaning?

If you’ve just had your carpets cleaned and you notice some old stains returning, it’s only natural to ask why is my carpet still dirty after cleaning? Unfortunately, this is a common problem that is experienced by many households as carpet stains come back, sometimes with an added odour to the mix. If you are feeling frustrated at the stains and you want to know what the cause of the problem is, it’s worth exploring why carpet stains reappear after cleaning. Read on to find out more.
Why carpet stains reappear after cleaning?
There are several reasons why you see reappearing carpet stains. We will cover these in more detail below.
The age of the carpet
First things first. We need to look at the age of your carpet. If you find that it is threadbare and fraying with patches that are almost bare, the chances are high that your carpet is too old and will retain stains as opposed to being able to remove them the right way. As such, it’s likely that your old carpet may need to be replaced.
The nature of the stain
If the age of your carpet is not an issue, then the nature of the stain itself may be. For example, stains that are made of an oil-based substance are some of the hardest stains to remove from a carpet. This is where the right detergents can come in handy such as alcohol-based ones, which are better able to remove the stain.
The depth of the spillage
The depth of the spillage is also important to consider. If you didn’t treat the stain immediately after it occurred by blotting it and taking the right preventative measures, the chances are high that your stain will reappear once again as it resurfaces from the padding to the carpet fibres once it has dried fully.
Liquids mean mould and odours
Unfortunately, with stains come associated problems such as the appearance of mould and unpleasant odours. The deeper your stain and the longer it’s been left untreated, the higher the chance that you’ll see mould growth and unpleasant odours arising from the stain itself.
The stickiness of the stain can re-attract dirt
Another important reason as to why do stains reappear after carpet cleaning is that sticky stains, when left untreated or are only partially treated, can have dirt attached to them, which makes the stain more prominent and makes its appearance visible once again.
Using too much detergent
Furthermore, if you use too much detergent on the stain without properly rinsing it and letting it dry properly, this can also cause stickiness and a further affinity to dirt. As such, your stain can quickly resurface once again.
Using the wrong detergent
Using the wrong stain remover or detergent on your carpets is another likely culprit. This is why it is recommended that you check the cleaning instructions on your carpets first to see what sort of treatment it requires. In addition, when cleaning, first test out the cleaning agent on a small and inconspicuous area to see if there will be an adverse reaction between the detergent and your carpet.
Not letting the carpets dry completely before reuse
In addition to the above, it’s possible that your carpet is quite saturated with water and because of this moisture inside it, it creeps up from the padding to the surface of the carpet fibres to dry only to have the stain reappearing along with it. Therefore, walking or using your carpets before they are 100% dry is a highly recommended solution to the problem.
What is the difference between soiling and wicking?
We have already alluded to the fact that carpets get soiled and that their padding or base can be affected. This leads to questions such as what is soiled carpet and what is carpet wicking. A soiled carpet happens when there is too much residue left over from your spot cleaner. This is the answer to the question – what causes carpet soiling. Meanwhile, wicking is the process of the stain resurfacing on the carpet and it is usually caused by excess moisture which travels back to the surface of the carpet fibres. As such, there is a process of carpet wicking after cleaning.
Get reappearing stains out of your carpet with professional carpet stain removal services
Removing carpet wicking stains shouldn’t be a cause for concern if you rely on professional carpet stain removal services. At Perfect Carpet Cleaning, we use just the right touch, balancing technology, equipment and detergents on your carpets to ensure as much moisture is removed as possible for quicker drying and that the right amount of detergent is used to ensure your stains are completely gone. Get in touch with us for a professional carpet cleaning service in Enfield, Harrow, Richmond and the near areas, and be impressed by a fresher, cleaner and more immaculate carpet and home.